1. Introduction
A postman is a tool with features that allow us a lot of flexibility so that we can quickly test our endpoints. In this quick tutorial, we'll show how to generate the Postman collection from the Swagger file.
2. Generate Postman Collection From Swagger File
To generate the Postman collection from our Swagger file, we'll first need a Swagger JSON file, in text format or direct URL to it.
Let's see how to import it. For purpose of this tutorial we used http://eu.httpbin.org public REST API. In this example we'll show you how to import from both Swagger file URL and plain JSON text.
Locate your Swagger file and in your Postman go to File->Import. You'll see that you can add files, folders, links, raw text, or code repository. If you have a link, go with it, and if you only have JSON file, go to the Raw text tab and just copy-paste it there.
Step 1. Define source
Step 2. Configure some additional settings if needed.
Step 3. Click Import and you should see a message that informs you that your import is completed and that, in this case, one API and one collection were imported.
Step 4. Check your import, there should be one API in API list and one collection in your Postman collection list.
3. Summary
In this tutorial, we learned how to create the Postman collection from the Swagger file.