
In Apache Cassandra, the replication factor is the number of copies of each data item that should be maintained on different nodes in the cluster. The replication factor is an important concept in Cassandra because it determines the fault tolerance and availability of the system.

When a data item is written to Cassandra, it is first written to a commit log on the node where the client application made the request. From there, the data is asynchronously written to a memtable, which is a write-back cache used to store data in memory before it is written to disk. Once the data has been written to the memtable and the commit log, it is then replicated to other nodes in the cluster according to the replication factor.

Can I set Replication Factor Only For the Specific Keyspace?

Yes, the replication factor can be set at the cluster level, but also at the keyspace level. At the cluster level, it is configured in the cassandra.yaml configuration file and applies to all keyspaces in the cluster. At the keyspace level, it is set in the "create keyspace" statement and applies only to that specific keyspace.

In general, a higher replication factor will result in greater fault tolerance and availability, but it also comes with a trade-off of increased storage and network overhead. For example, if the replication factor is set to 4, then each data item will be stored on four separate nodes, which means that the total storage required for the cluster will be four times the size of the data. Additionally, each write operation will require additional network traffic to replicate the data to the other nodes.

It is important to carefully consider the replication factor when setting up a Cassandra cluster. Factors to consider include:

  • size of the data set
  • the number of nodes in the cluster
  • desired level of fault tolerance and availability
  • available resources (for example storage and network bandwidth)

How to Set Replication Factor in Cassandra

As we previously mentioned, the replication factor can be set at the cluster level or at the keyspace level.

To set the replication factor at the cluster level, we need to modify the cassandra.yaml configuration file and set the num_tokens option to the desired replication factor. For example, to set the replication factor to 4, you would set num_tokens: 4 in the cassandra.yaml configuration file.

To set the replication factor at the keyspace level, you will need to use the CREATE KEYSPACE statement in Cassandra's cqlsh command-line shell. For example, to create a keyspace with a replication factor of 4, you would use the following statement:

CREATE KEYSPACE employees WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 4};

Note that the replication factor must be an integer value and must be set before any data is written to the keyspace. Once data has been written to the keyspace, the replication factor cannot be changed and in case we need to change it the keyspace needs to be recreated.


The replication factor in Cassandra determines the number of copies of each data item that should be maintained on different nodes in the cluster. A higher replication factor provides greater fault tolerance and availability. Also, higher replication factor means increased storage and network overhead. Finding the right balance between fault tolerance, resource usage and availability neeeds to be carefully considered when setting up Cassanda cluster.